Sunday, March 22, 2009

Most recent paintings

Here is the one of Geoff completed. I really like it. It's oil on panel and it's about 4ft by 2ft.

This is my watercolor of Storm Trooper Elvis. The next one I'm working on is of a henchman from the Venture Bros.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So I'm finally almost done with my painting of Geoff. All I have left to do is remove some of the yellow underpainting and maybe fuss with his hair a little more. As soon as it's complete I'll post a better quality photo of it. I'm also almost done with another watercolor, which I'll probably post at the same time. It's of Storm Trooper Elvis, one of my favorite comic-con personalities.

I haven't really been painting enough this semester yet because I've been working for Katherine a lot and stressing out about kitchen managing, but I'm feeling optimistic and I think I'm going to be able to get to the studio a lot more in the coming weeks. Hooray! ^___^