Monday, January 19, 2009

Current Work

This is a painting of my friend Nick Reid the day after a Ho-Down (hence the left over hay bale) at kingman. This is the first painting I did of one of my house mates on wood panel, which is what I've been doing ever since.

This is my friend David Klein right before leaving for a game of broom-ball.

This is a self portrait of me giving my friend Marjon a piggy back ride. She also has a stuffed piggy on her back. Elliot Block helped me take the photo for this.

This is Laura Beaton eating green tea flavored ice cream out of a pink ice cream cone. I didn't invent those colors, they are straight from the photo i took of her.

This is Dwight Crow stacking chairs before starting on his sweep and mop shift at kingman. He makes these chair pyramids almost every time he does his workshift.

These two photos are of what i'm currently working on. It's a painting of my friend Geoff Brookshire holding a creepy disembodied halloween hand in front of his face. Right around halloween people kept putting the hand in the dairy fridge so that it would fall out on you when you tried to get out some eggs or butter.

Hooray! This stuff is all my most current work! Yay current work! I'll post the painting of Geoff as soon as it's done.


  1. Wow, Mads! I love these! I especially like the one of you giving your friend a piggy back ride--the pig is a nice touch :) Keep up the great work!

  2. Unfortunately not, Madypants. I have to be a good girl, work, etc.
